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broken_link [2014/08/11 13:12] (current)
stephan created
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 +====== Broken Link ======
 +===== Definition =====
 +A **broken link**, also called a //dead link// or a //missing link//, is a [[hyperlink|link]] whose target doesn’t exist anymore (the link goes nowhere).
 +Possible reasons for a broken link could be an erroneous source code, a temporary unavailable website or a changed URL.
 +===== Importance for SEO =====
 +If [[crawler|crawlers]] find too much broken links on a [[website]],​ they stop following them at some point.
 +Too many broken links can also make a website look neglected and outdated what can hurt the website'​s [[ranking]] (crawlers will visit the website less often). Furthermore,​ broken links also have a negative impact on the user experience.